

Physical activity was not his forte. But he tried. By all that was good and valued, he tried. His body simply failed. So, he stopped, much more often than he would have liked, to pant in his floating nightrobes, idiotic hat included, before he pressed on, trying to ignore his burning thighs and calves. Empowering himself was not the kind of magic he had ever studied. He was an aelomancer and -.

No. He was a Null mage. With the Templar gone, he could at least admit this to himself. If he hadn’t been, he doubted he would have found the courage to keep walking in the first place. Now, at least, he had the vague, fragile hope that he could at least try and counter whatever an Anointed could do. For Solifea, if not for any other reason. Together with the piece of silubaster the Templar had “hidden” around his neck, perhaps there was something they could do.

He refused to stop for a third time, despite the burning soleus and gastrocnemius muscles. Solifea’s life was at stake and…


No, nononononono!

As if it had never been there in the first place, the Whisperer’s influence was simply… gone. She could not feel her magic or her overwhelming presence. There was nothing.

“No, no, no!”

He shouted, without realizing, dashing forward towards where he had last felt the presence of extraordinary, balance bending magic. There was no pain any more. There was no tiredness. The slim built mage just kept trotting on, limping as his left calf was now fully strained, until he reached a small opening with a single empty bench there… No Solifea, no Whisperer, no Templar.


He was, for all intents and purposes, alone. And his friend was gone.