
Chapter 12

Days passed. Then a week. And then another.

Solifea and Benjamin tried to behave as they would have anyway; more or less, at least. After the events on the last full moon, Solifea was confident that the cultists knew about her, but the Templar didn’t know that. So, they had to adjust their behavior enough for any spies to think that they were trying to avoid them, while making sure that their secret comrade didn’t understand their attempts to lose any trails as deliberate. All too soon, during those two weeks, Solifea caught herself cussing between her teeth for making a mess of things. But, even now, she couldn’t trust the Templar. She couldn’t trust most members of the Orders – or rather, she trusted their allegiances to be as single-minded as she had known them to be from her days in the Shield.

The changes they made were small but, she felt, impactful. They kept their shutters closed at all times, bought new clothes, changed the time of day during which they did their shopping and even changed their regular patrol routes – all things that the Templar wouldn’t be able to pick up or that, hopefully, he would think were done to help him spot any trails. Benjamin, at least, looked and behaved much more naturally than her. He more or less blindly followed her suggestions and performed his part with his signature absentmindedness and social awkwardness.

Siegmund took up a job as a bouncer at the Goose, which gave them a good enough excuse to run into him and exchange a few words. The Goose rarely had need for muscle but just the next night after their meeting, a huge fight broke out and caused significant damage so Herman, the Goose’s owner, had to hire help, for some time at least. No doubt, thought Solifea bitterly, a coincidence. Still, to his credit, Siegmund proved extremely competent in trailing them. During those weeks, only twice did she spot him, but it was clear from their meetings that he was constantly near. When she expressed her frustration with that, Ben offered his help but she refused. Ben’s… talents were her ace in the sleeve and she intended to keep it that way. Alas, it was not meant to remain so. For ten days before the next full moon, all hell broke loose.

It was just a night stroll. That’s what she kept telling herself. They had agreed that they would only do patrols when Siegmund could trail them, after all, especially at night, but this was not a patrol. It was just a night stroll, a small walk in the brisk night air to clear her head and stave off her headache.

The truth was, she needed time to think. Alone. Ben was excellent at giving her space when she needed it but, even when quiet, was almost always there. Usually, she found comfort in that. She had come to consider him almost an extension of herself. But lately, these last few weeks at least, he too had become a burden. Keeping him in line, keeping his talents secret from a Templar, keeping his past hidden, while at the same time keeping the Templar in the dark about what had truly transpired during the last full moon… It was exhausting, draining, for if Solifea disliked something, it was secrets.

It is exhausting, a thought crawled sneakily, and the admission of the truth behind it washed over her, filling her with relief. It was exhausting. This whole thing was exhausting. Chasing shadows, double checking every dark alley, weighing the intentions behind every glance and every greeting, at all hours of the day, wondering, is this one of them? Is this one of Her followers? Am I being spied on. She had left the Shield because she had grown tired of hiding, always hiding, from nobles, from sherifs and guards, all the while trying to dispense justice, to stand for the people, to protect them. Then all the moving around, roaming the Kingdoms, never able to stay in one place for more than a few nights, before the one, stupid, short-sighted idiot from the very people she was trying to defend, betrayed her to the guards to be looked upon favorably by the very people who she was opposing in the first place. She had come to Sieva looking to escape all that. She had openly declared her oaths to the city’s powers-that-be and they had agreed to let her help them police their streets, here, at the border between Kingdoms and principalities, where the reach of the Conclave was weak in such matters. But now the secrets were back, the suspicions were back, and she could not stop looking over her shoulder once more.

When was the last time you just stood still, Solifea? her tired thoughts whispered and her shoulders lowered, defeated and tired, as she eyed a nearby bench. Even that raised alarms, the memory of the boy she had spared rising to protest, but they were quieted, gently but firmly, as Solifea sat down and sighed tired.

When was the last time you rested? Truly rested? She chuckled. Not for months, she said to herself, not since Ben found the pattern. How could she? Her old contacts kept her informed about the things the world knew nothing about and if an Anointed had visited Sieva, none in the city was more equipped than her to deal with it. You can take the armor off, you can put the Shield down, but your Order you carry with you.

No, her thoughts protested. Just a night off, tonight. No work. Just rest. Quiet your mind. Rest your muscles. Just take a breath. Rest. She protested, even as she yawned.

“I can’t rest,” she said to herself. “Not while all this is going on. Who holds the Shield over mankind, if we put it down?” she recited the old mantra.  There will be time for that. Tomorrow. Her eyelids grew heavy, as she leaned back on the bench. She struggled to keep them open but she was tired… So tired. Perhaps it was alright. The streets, she saw between weak, half-closed eyes, were empty. Empty but for that figure…

“No..!” she said. “I shouldn’t. I mustn’t…”

Rest, the whisper caressed her ears once more.

And Solifea slept.


Who will we follow next:

View on the Living World!