Conquest TLAOK FAQ - Updates and Designer's Notes

Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings is a living Wargame, with rules changing to the better according to the design team’s directions and in tune with our Community’s voice.

As such, rules are clarified to better convey their meaning and purpose. These will be found under the FAQs section. You will notice that some of the FAQ questions are removed as time passes. That is either because rules have changed to invalidate the question and/or response to it, or we have added clarifications to rules in the actual rulebook as per your suggestions. While at times we post answers to questions online, this document is always in effect first and above any answers for any Tournaments or Matched play sessions.

Of course, as we flesh out the game and get more and more invaluable feedback from the Community we will be updating the game’s Core and Army rules. These new rules and wordings will be found under the Updates section. The Updates section will only contain the updates that took place during the current update and you may also find the new wordings highlighted in the rules PDFs.

Questions found here will be reviewed and changed accordingly at certain intervals; however, not all questions will be entered as they are not encountered often enough to warrant the “Frequently” part of the document.

Finally, the “Rulings” section of this page provides official rulings for game interactions that are not strictly covered by the rules. These Rulings will be part of this page until they are included in the Core Rules of the game at the earliest possible opportunity.

This section is updated with the newest questions added on the very top of the list. You can also see when this list was last updated here: [26/4/2024]

Table of Contents

Frequently Asked Questions

Core Rules

Q: Always vs Always, how do they Interact?
In an instance where multiple game entities are Always able of something the rules cancel each other out regardless of how many entities are on each side.

Q: Always vs Never, how do they Interact?
Always supersedes Never/Cannot. If a Rule mentions that a Regiment is Always able of something, then that supersedes Rules that mention “Never”, Cannot or indirectly remove the ability to do something.

Q: Do Reforms trigger Dangerous and Perilous Terrain?
A: Any kind of move triggers Dangerous and Perilous terrain as the Special Rules for these Terrain types requires a Regiment “moving” in or through it not performing a particular Action.

Q: A Regiment with the Bloodlust Special Rule Double Times and performs three March Actions. However, before performing the third March Action the Regiment fails the Resolve test. Does the Regiment Charge instead even if the third Action can only be a March?
A:  Bloodlust forces you to roll a Resolve Test before performing every Action. This means that a Test has to be made before each one of the three March Actions. Should the third Resolve Test fails, the Regiment will beforced to perform a Charge Action instead.

Q: When performing a Withdraw Action does the Regiment count as having performed a Reform Action, March Action and Withdraw Action all in the same Action?
When a Regiment performs a Withdraw Action is only considered to have performed a single Action, that is Withdraw. The individual steps taken to physically move the Regiment and resolve the Withdraw Action follow the Reform and March rules without also turning a Withdraw Action into a Reform and a March as well. For all intents and purposes the Regiment counts as having performed a single Withdraw Action.

Q: Do unengaged Stands with the Lethal Demise Special Rule inflict Hits when they suffer Wounds whilst their Regiment is Engaged?
Yes. So long as the Regiment with Lethal Demise is Engaged with an Enemy Regiment, all Wounds they suffer from failed Defense Rolls from an Engaged Enemy Regiment will cause a Hit from the Lethal Demise Special Rule, and will be inflicted on the Enemy Regiment that caused the Wound(s).

Q: If a Regiment is under the effects of being Inspired and another Ability, Action or Special Rule also provides the Inspiration bonuses to that same Regiment, can the effects of Inspiration stack?
The effects of Inspiration do not stack. If a Regiment has gained the benefits of being Inspired then applying that same Inspiration bonus again, no matter the source of the bonus, will not cause it to stack.

Q. What happens when a Regiment with Bloodlust Marches through a Friendly Regiment as a first Action and finds itself within distance of a legal Charge Target?
A move is determined whether it is legal or not at the end of a Regiment’s Activation. Therefore, at the end of the first Action, where the Regiment finds itself overlapping a Friendly Regiment, but before the Regiment performs its second Action, stop and test for Bloodlust. 

If the Regiment passes the test then it may continue taking its Actions as normal making sure it does not end up in an illegal position. If the Regiment fails the test then it proceeds to Charge an eligible Target. In a situation where that Charge Roll fails and the Regiment does not clear the Friendly Regiment it is overlapping, then treat the situation as having failed to Charge Through, Breaking both Regiments and moving them back to their last legal position as to not overlap. 

Q: What is a Characteristic Test?
Whenever you compare a dice roll to a Characteristic, it is referred to as a Characteristic Test.

Q: When a Regiment performs an Action, do all Stands in the Regiment count as having performed that Action?
A: Whenever a Regiment performs an Action, every Stand in that Regiment is considered to be performing that Action. This does not include Character specific Actions.

E.g. If the Regiment performs a Charge Action then all Stands in the Regiment, including Character Stands count as having performed that Action. On the other hand, if a Character Stand has performed a Duel Action, the other Stands in the Regiment do not count as having performed a Duel Action.

Q: When performing Volley and Spellcasting attacks against a Regiment in its Rear or Flank, does that Regiment Re-Roll successful Morale tests?
A: When performing a Volley Action (when range attacks cause Morale Tests) or Casting Spells that cause direct Hits against a Regiment’s Flank or Rear, that Regiment does not Re-Roll successful Morale Tests.

Q: Do Draw Events and Special Rules gained throughout the battle affecting a Regiment; affect all Stands in a Regiment?
A: Yes, all Stands including Character Stands are affected by Draw Events and Special Rules and/or their effects, bestowed upon the Regiment during the game. 

Q: When do I assign my Character Stands to Regiments?
A: You announce which Character Stand will join which Regiment for your entire Army right at the start of the first Reinforcement phase in the game. This also means that if attaching a Character Stand to a Regiment confers certain abilities, these count as if they have been bestowed upon the Regiment during the game.

Q: Many abilities allow you to gain a benefit when rolling for reinforcements for specific regiments or types. How are these resolved exactly?
A: When a Regiment is called to roll its Reinforcement Roll and a rule asks that this Roll is resolved under different conditions that the rest of this Regiment’s Class, make its Reinforcement Roll separately.

Q: Do Priests count for the purpose of Enemy Interference?
A: Priests are Casters and therefore both count for Enemy Interference.

Q: If I have two Men-at-Arms Regiments and one of them is destroyed before any of them is activated, when first drawing a Command Card for Men-at-Arms can I choose to discard it and claim it belonged to the destroyed Regiment?
A: No. You must activate a Men-at-Arms Regiment that has not Activated yet unless none is available to Activate.

The Old Dominion

Q: Is an Old Dominion Character Stand affected by a Regiment’s Memory of Old ability? 
A: Yes. Since the Regiment gains a Special Rule and the Character Stand currently attached to it is part of that Regiment they will benefit from the Memory of Old ability for as long as the ability is active and/or for as long as they are attached to the Regiment.

Hundred Kingdoms

Q: Eccentric Fighting Style allows Re-Rolling failed Hit Rolls. Does this also allow Re-Rolling for Impact Attacks?
A: Yes. When a rule affects “Hit Rolls” it affects all Hit Rolls no matter how they come up. If it’s a Hit Roll, it is affected.


Q: Does Resonance (Scion Spell) only applies Decay to Regiments currently in range of the Target Objective Zone or do Regiments coming in range of said Objective Zone later on suffer Decay as well?
A: Resonance is resolved at the moment the spell is cast. You target an objective zone, regiments in range of that zone gain Decay until the end of the round and that is the end of the Spell. Regiments coming within range of the objective zone later on will not suffer Decay.


Rulings found in this section will be included in the next update. Once the rules are updated to include them, they will be removed from this page.

— Regiment Footprint and Incomplete Ranks —
Regiment 1 is comprised of 5 Stands and has an Incomplete Rank. Enemy Regiment 2 concludes its March in the empty space left in Regiment 1’s Incomplete Rank. Regiment 1 is then Charged and subsequently Engaged by an Enemy Regiment at which point the rules dictate that Regiment 1’s footprint is considered to be a rectangle as long and as wide as the its most complete Rank (page 45, “Incomplete Ranks”).

Conflict: Once Regiment 1 becomes Engaged its footprint changes causing Regiment 1 and Regiment 2 to overlap leading to an illegal interaction. The Core Rules does not provide a clear solution to this.

Ruling: Regiment 2 performs a 1” move directly away from the Target Regiment, from the position the Regiment 1 is, moving backwards a full 1”, halting 1˝ away from any Enemy Regiment and any piece of Garrison Terrain. If halting 1” away from any Enemy Regiment and any piece of Garrison Terrain is not possible it halts as far away as possible and the Player controlling Regiment 2 ensures that its next Activation will bring it in a legal position.

Designer's Notes

Just Do It Update

Faction Updates TLAOK

  • [City States] Talos: Entry added.

Faction Updates First Blood

  • [City States] Talos: Entry added.

Who is the Talos?

Talos serve as the army’s anchor point, holding and securing strategic points on the battlefield until their titanic brethren arrive to assist. Tireless and steadfast, these unwavering protectors of the cities are capable of holding Objective Zones from all but the most determined attackers, while their brazen skin and augmentations protect them from harm.

Unlike the Hephaestian and Promethean, the Talos is not a Spellcaster. Instead, the very alloys covering its skin and the superheated ichor running through its veins enhance and even replicate the frequencies that form the base of City States spellcasting.

Do These Changes Affect my Event?

As always, no update affects Organized Play events for at least 2 weeks after the update has come live. The update will affect all Events starting June 10th.