(This is a summary of Theurodhin’s story during the first part of the Living World storyline.
You can see the expanded version by visiting the Living World and browsing through past
choices, at the bottom of the character’s banner. You can also see Theurodhin’s Portrait here.)
In the Hold of Ghleulgas, a dragon was kept living still: there, chained but sustained since the
first Memory of the Hold, the Enemy remained defiant and unyielding in spirit. Until him.
He was called many things; Old Mountain, for he had been Raegh for over a millennium,
unmoving from his throne and unchallenged but by those who are now dead; Aghmehn, the
One of Aghm, as if he was sculpted by pure worth or as if his Aghm defined the very
concept; Mhûlvhest he was also called, the Maulfisted, undefeated in brawl, the Memories
said, since he was just a Thane, but for another reason too. But, if anyone ever asked the
Dweghom of Ghleulgas who their Raegh was, there was only one answer, one name:
Theurodhin. He was the blood of Theurdraghd the Wielder of Dragons’ Death, and while
blood is said to matter not, all Remembered this for only against his ancestor who fell two
Dragons could Theurodhin’s Aghm be compared to.
Under the forced gaze of the imprisoned Enemy, Raegh Theurodhin announced to his Hold
that he knew the location of a dragon survivor, hiding for millennia. Silencing the cheers of
his people with a gesture, he ordered for preparations to be made for the Host to march.
Even he, the Old Mountain, could not help but share their enthusiasm for a moment, even as
he ever glanced thoughtfully at the Enemy.
With preparations under way, he was expected to name an Exemplar, a champion of the
Host and its Raegh. Ignoring both candidates presented by the castes of the Tempered and
the Ardent, Theurodhin instead chose Fhedhis, a promising Clan member. Taken by rage for
this insult, the Tempered candidate, Dhosberrin, challenged the Raegh only to fall dead
moments later.
While it was the Tempered that suffered the loss, both castes presented a united front later,
challenging the Raegh and pressing for answers about the location of the Dragon. His
thoughts betraying a distrust towards the Mnemancers, Theurodhin in the end decided
against misleading his people with a lie and instead revealed that the Dragon lies to the
North, in Mannheim.
With preparations ongoing, a new problem rose, as the Mnemancers dictated that the
Enemy could not be abandoned, for the Clan’s very birth depended on his capture. In an
effort to somewhat appease the castes, the Raegh decided to force them to cooperate and
find a solution to this matter. Their staggering solution seemed impossible: they planned to
move the entire mountain.
With this impossible task before them, the castes begun cooperating and to ensure their
unity and recognition, Theurodhin decided that their leaders’ names should be first
mentioned on the moving Mountain’s Memory. He was challenged by his Mnemancers who
performed as he asked but ensured to record that it was done on his orders. To this
challenge, he answered by breaking one of the most sacred traditions of the Dweghom: in
order to gather the Living Hold in as close a part of the mountain as possible, he ordered for
the ancestral sealed halls to be reopened, so that the living population could be gathered
near the surface. Soon, the Raegh’s challenge came second to the insult they discovered, as
some sealed halls were found desecrated and looted by humans.
As cries for vengeance echo from the Clansmen around the Halls, the castes caution that the
work must take precedence. Observed silently by the Mnemancers, Theurodhin chose to
side with the castes; both to regain some favor with them but for his own reasons as well.
His decision reminds him yet again just how lonely his reign has been; save for his maul and
the ever-watchful eye of the imprisoned Enemy, Theurodhin feels the pressure of years and
solitude both. In a moment of weakness, or clarity, he turns to his Exemplar, Fhedhis, and
chooses to take mold him into a worthy successor one day.
During an almost heartfelt discussion, the Raegh tries to impart to the younger Exemplar the
reasoning behind his decision; just one’s Aghm does not benefit one’s descendants, to fight
the humans of today for what their ancestors did would be meaningless. A Raegh, he claims,
must rule with purpose, not be pushed by the currents. He then challenged Fhedhis to
oversee the most menial task he could think of for two Rosters, hoping the Exemplar would
find a way to temper his urges but also learn to channel even the most menial tasks into
service towards his purpose.
With his new protégé dismissed, he turned to military matters and visited one of his best
officers, Udhgus. Rattled by the cryptic lack of cooperation offered by the castes, the officer
underlines the rising tension between the Clan and the castes but also the immense
logistical issues of safeguarding the moving mountain and the prison both, while on the
move. Cornered and left with few choices considering the Enemy awaiting at the end of their
journey, the Raegh decided to exercise his right: naming the moving mountain a Host unlike
any other, he orders all to gather immediately.
Soon after, he stood alone, before the eye of the imprisoned Dragon, just as he had done in
the beginning of his reign. Dry and plagued by insects and parasites, the eye starred at him
without without anger or fear. Then, calling for the mountain to move, the Raegh hit the
dragon in the eye, its pain fueling the magic that the castes had prepared.
As the Raegh begun his descent, he ignored the broken crust of puss and blood that allowed
the eye to tear once more, offering the first relief to the Enemy since Theurodhin’s first visit
there. Just as he ignored the dragon’s words in his mind, thanking him for this second act of
And the entire Hold moved. Aigbregh Ghleulgas, the moving mountain, was unleashed upon
the world.