Old Dominion

The Living World of the Warlord

Haunted by the ghosts of his past life, the Warlord stood amidst the covered ruins of a city, somewhere in the Dominion’s old province of Galtonnia. Unsure of purpose for himself and his army, his military mind focused on exploring the old province, both to get the lay of the land but also to search for abandoned mausoleums that could provide new troops.

As memories of his life before his Anointment kept besieging his mind, tasks and objectives that would otherwise be simple were constantly second guessed. Realizing that both himself and his army had no need for the considerations of the living – such as provisions, fresh water or even rest – the Warlord struggled to adopt a firm mindset about his methods. Ultimately, and ironically adopting advice given to him in his previous life, he decided a slow and steady approach was favorable, as he learned to capitalize on the advantages he and his army held over the living. His first order of business, he decided, would be to excavate the ruins of the city around him. He would then use the old city, Divina, as his own base of operations, not only to serve as headquarters for his Legions but also to establish a seat of power against the other Anointed.

Despite the obvious advantages against the living, however, the Warlord was soon confronted with the obstacles that the troops had to overcome, fueled not by true will but the will of their betters and their own instinctual urges, offered by memories from their old lives. To locate those among them with more presence of mind, he assigned other officers to oversee operations, while he in turn oversaw the performance and capacity of his officers. One stood out from among them, Xhiliarch Iulios, who portrayed near full character and free will. Craving intelligent conversation, he invited the officer to walk and oversee the works in person.

It was during that walk and sparked by his conversations with the Xhiliarch that the Warlord realized just how much hatred he nurtured for the petty, insignificant wants and needs of the man he once had been – and partly was still. With the troops around him mirroring the hatred he himself felt for his own individuality, the Warlord felt a surge of power from that hatred. Channeling that might to his troops, he allowed them to tap into their own memories, a skill that would come useful in large combat situations.

It was at that time that the barbarians of the Wastelands launched their attack.

The Battle of Divina Ruins proved to the Warlord just how inefficient his troops could be. His own presence on the field and their near instant response to the surprise attack of the W’adrhŭn assured a victory – the barbarians did not manage to disrupt his operations to any significant degree and his losses were minimal. However, they managed to escape, likely having observed his operations near the crypts his troops were trying to unearth – thus able to report back about his purpose and objectives in the area. The only appropriate response for the Warlord would be to mobilize more troops from Capitas – with eyes set on the barbarian wasteland and the lands of the living beyond them.

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