You had questions and we have answers for you! This Part 1 of our FAQ series will address all of the questions you sent to us on Discord and social media and once complete will all be compiled into one comprehensive document for your perusal and reference!
So let’s bring on the answers!
Q: Can I use the Shield of my Character during a Duel?
A: Shields will be reworked to work against all types of Hits originating from one’s front Arc.
Q: Shooting as a Regiment engaged in melee depends on the line of sight of the firing Regiment for Obscured– is that intentional?
A: Yes.
Q: Does a Charging Regiment need to take the closest route to the target Regiment?
A: The Charging Regiment performs their move according to the March Action rules. This means that they can wheel any number of times during their Charge, however they may not exceed their Charge Range by doing so. At the end of their Charge, they must be in contact with the Target Regiment, and they gain a free Wheel to Flush (up to 90 degrees).
A: Can we opt to not wheel flush to the opponent?
Q: No, you have to always attempt to wheel flush in order to Engage as many enemy Stands.
Q: If my Regiment fails a Charge, how much does it move?
A: Should you fail a Charge your Regiment only moves in inches equal to the die roll. For example, if your roll a “3” and fail the Charge roll as a Result you only move “3” inches directly towards the Charge target.
Q: Using Fluid Formation’s Free Reform could cause a Regiment to gain a bit in Inches. Is that intentional?
A: Yes.
Q: Regiments with Arching Fire and more than 1 Rank still get only a single shot from the extra Ranks. Is that intentional?
A: Yes.
Q: Can I take less than 3 Retinue Models for my Characters?
A: Yes, you may field 0-3 Models as part of your Retinue.
Q: How do Character Draw Events and Special Rules work while the Character is not on the Battlefield?
A: The Character’s Draw Events and Special Rules are ignored, unless they either:
• Affect specific out-of-battlefield situations (such as providing +1 to Reserves Roll or allow re-rolls etc)
• Would bring the Regiment on the Battlefield (such as providing “Flank” etc)
Q: When half of the Regiment’s Stands are only partially over a Water Terrain, does the Regiment still suffer the penalty?
A: Yes. The Regiment suffers the movement penalty until it has completely cleared the feature.
Q: Eccentric dictates that we must select 2 Core Regiments. Does that mean Mainstay?
A: Yes. We blame the office Ugr for that. Simpler beings, they use simpler words.