Every Jarl and Konungyr worth the spit to mention them has a small, handpicked group of Chosen men who serve as his bodyguards and enforcers throughout his rule. Invariably the strongest, meanest and toughest men around, these
It is easy to look upon the Nords as northern savages shaped by their hard land and brutal practices. It is a given that violence and danger that pervade Mannheim have shaped its people, and no surprise that combat prowess and skill are mandatory requirements for any Nord. This has over time led to a highly codified challenge culture within Nord society, stipulating the terms, limits and consequences these selfsame challenges must abide by. This is not done to encourage and exalt the challenge culture, but rather the opposite, to contain and codify it. For while combat expertise is important to a leader, probably critical to his own survival in times of hardship and war, it cannot compete with management skills, diplomacy, foresight, wisdom and countless other skills that do not boil down to who can kill more efficiently.
This is where the Steel Chosen steps in. While all Chosen are understood to be the leaders right hand men, his hand-picked posse, the Steel Chosen are the ring of steel that defends him from reckless challenges. Through ancient customs now codified into law, Steel Chosen can step between a leader and his challenger regardless of a claim. Thus, an outsider or unconnected challenger who sought to take down a leader could find almost a dozen experienced killers standing in his way. Whenever clan chiefs meet, Steel Chosen are expected to stand for their Jarl or Konungyr, representing him in duels to settle those scores that have not yet risen to require all out warfare.
This oddly places the position of the Steel Chosen as guarantors of the stability and peace of the Nord lands, protecting them from internecine warfare and senseless killings at the price of their own blood. All major players in Mannheim recognize this with the Shamen, Skalds and Volvas supporting chosen through countless subtle and overt means, protecting their ancient traditions and upholding their role that Mannheim might not descend into bloodshed.
Now, one should not take this to mean that Steel Chosen are simple bodyguards. Ties of kinship might prevent one from standing in the way of a challenge or he might even agree with the challenger over his own lord, standing aside that the grievance be settled. Should the lord become hated enough by his own people, they may elect to simply not step in the way altogether, exposing their lord to countless challengers. Thus, the Steel Chosen serve as king makers themselves, and a safety valve for the populace of each domain. As a result, it behooves a wise leader to have Steel Chosen from each of the clans under his leadership and to keep them and their kin happy, ensuring that he rules well, and is protected while doing so.
In battle, the duty of the Steel Chosen does not change. They are there to eliminate threats to their lord’s safety and ensure his own survival. Their prestige and prowess invariably mean they are amongst the best led and equipped troops a Nord commander can field. Carving a swathe through the enemy while ensuring their own commander survives to see another day.