[AUS/TAS] Terror From The South

Jeffrey Thurston


April 20, 2024


Tournament Size: 2000pts

When: 20th of April 2024

Where: The Launceston RSL, 313 Wellington street Launceston Tasmania. Parking and entrance at rear.

Number of Players: 16 Officially Sanctioned World Events (OSWE)

Cost: $50 per player to be paid when you book tickets. All funds will go to the prize pool and Venue hire.


1st place
2nd place
3rd place
Sportsmanship Award: This will be voted on for the nicest, most helpful player on the day.
Best Painted Army Award
Wooden Spoon Award
As well as some giveaways Prizes on the day
Conditions of entering this Tournament are as follows: This tournament will be an official Para-Bellum supported event, and as such, there will be a few requirements to enter this event:

List submission: The Army List must be created using either the Para Bellum Army Builder available at armybuilder.para-bellum.com or via the Conquest Companion App (links below). Each player should have at least (2) printed copies of their Army List; one for the Tournament Organizer (TO), one for themselves, and one to show their opponents over the course of the event. Important: as part of your list submission, you must also include your Para-Bellum PIN & email address as part of registration for the event. Lists are to be submitted in either format to jlk.thurston@gmail.com or ______________ no later than midnight on the 21st of April. Failure to submit your list will by the due date may incur a 3 Tournament Point deduction after your first round. Note: Any rules updates post the 21st of April will not be in play for the event (at the discretion of the TO).

Miniatures and Conversions:

Painting is an important part of the hobby, and whilst we feel it is important to have a painted army when attending a tournament, the Tasmanian organizers also feel that having a fully painted army should not be used to deter people from having fun in participating or being excluded from the tournament scene. As such, we have decided to allow unpainted armies to attend while still recognizing people who have fully painted their armies. Fully painted armies that attend this tournament will receive a VP bonus in each game round they play to be applied at the end of the game. We believe this to be the best outcome for everyone wanting to attend this event.

Miniatures and Conversions:
Proxies of unreleased Regiments/Characters are permitted and must follow all Para-Bellum’s rules regarding models, with only released and available PB Models allowed for your army lists.

Unit Upgrades and officer Models must be marked on Army Lists but do not require physical Models. Although released Retinue and Unit Upgrade Models would be preferred, where applicable.
Regiment Stands must have the correct number of Models as listed on their Army List profile (e.g., Hundred Kingdoms Men at Arms are 4 Models per Stand). Stands that do not meet this requirement cannot be used.
Diorama stands can be used if they have the correct number of models on the stand while unit fillers cannot be used.
Conversions are an integral part of our hobby. Much like painting, converting helps tell a story of where the army is coming from and allows for your unique ideas to manifest. It is important, however, for the Regiments to remain identifiable by your opponent so as not to cause any misunderstandings during the game. Therefore, when converting, at least 70% of the miniature should include Para Bellum Wargames Ltd. plastic or resin parts. Furthermore, it is important to include features of the miniature that allow it to be identifiable (e.g., when converting a Regiment of Household Guard, make sure they are using halberds instead of spears so as not to confuse them with the Gilded Legion). Any conversions or proxies must be approved by the TO prior to the day. If you have any models requiring TO approval or queries surrounding models/upgrades for your army, please ensure you email jlk.thurston@gmail.com prior to the list submission deadline. Failure to do so may result in your models being removed from the table on the day (and no one likes that!).

Terrain on tables will be set by any of the Tournament Organizers (TOs).

Terrain should not be moved without checking with the TOs. Tables will be adjusted in between rounds as necessary to abide by guidelines for the active scenario and objective placement.

How you conduct yourself at the table can make or break games and players’ experiences at events. Any anti-social behavior, bullying, or cheating will not be tolerated and may result in you being asked to leave the event. Please be respectful of each other, the venue that we are being allowed to use for this event, and the organizers who are putting this event on for you. If you have any rules disputes, in the first instance, discuss it with your opponent and consult the relevant rules (https://www.para-bellum.com/rules-and-faq/) and try to come to a resolution on your own. If you are not able to come to an agreement, call over the TO, and they will make a ruling for you. The TO’s ruling on this is final.

Scenarios pack for the day will be provided closer to the event.


Launceston RSL Club
313 Wellington street Launceston Tasmania
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